Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency northern region partners gathered in Kirikiriroa for a regional two-day wānanga at Te Whare Maui o Te Kōhao.

Te Ngira Whānau Ora Collective, Waikato Tainui Whānau Ora Collective, Te Tai Tokerau Whānau Ora Collective, and Te Pae Herenga o Tāmaki Whānau Ora Collective spent their time delving into the theme, ‘Titiro whakamuri kia anga whakamua’ – ‘Look to the past in order to move forward.'

Lady Tureiti Moxon, Managing Director of Te Kōhao Health gave the opening address on the first day followed by speakers Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke, MP for Hauraki Waikato and Kiri Tamihere-Waititi.

The Kaiārahi Whakanuia presentation of awards followed and were presented at an evening event by Kiingi Tūheitia, Te Makau Ariki Atawhai, Her Worship Mayor Paula Southgate, and Whānau Ora Chair Merepeka Raukawa-Tait.

On the second day partner presentations highlighted our for, by and with Māori approaches and the great work that has been made within each of the northern collectives.

Lady Tureiti has been a longtime supporter of Whānau Ora and knows the value the network plays in allowing kaiārahi to connect directly with the community.

“The Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency has enabled providers, whether they’re big ones or little ones, situated in urban or rural areas, to respond in a way in a way that was relevant and meaningful in their own community."

The hui encouraged leaders and kaiārahi to continue their valued work where they allowing all whānau aspirations to be at the centre to allow them to flourish.