Enjoy the conference publication on the third Whānau Ora gathering. The conference themed ‘Whānau Eke Panuku – Affirming Whānau Aspiration’ acknowledged that after four years of Whānau Ora commissioning, it is always whānau that sits at the centre of their change.

The September 2018 hui saw over 400 delegates from all areas of Whānau Ora, including North Island Whānau Ora provider partners, Government representatives, national and international thinkers, writers, and representatives from the other two commissioning agencies, Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu and Pasifika Futures, the conference was an opportunity to take a new look at the collective work that is being undertaken across all different platforms within Whānau Ora.

The three-day hui featured national and international speakers, practical workshops and networking opportunities, and showcased whānau success stories through inspirational whānau voices.

Inspirational speakers such as Sir Mason Durie and Dame Tariana Turia reinforced that while there has been much progress, there is still a need to fight for whānau and their right to have their needs met and their aspirations fulfilled.

Download the Hui 2018 Publication